What do you think of this method for adjusting the relative volumes of my template tracks ?
Open the mix console. CONTROL click on each instrument, midi, audio and group track fader to set the volume to the default level: 0. Then with Mix console open go from track to track and adjust the pregain so they are pretty close in volume.
This simplies the process .
Is there a better way?
generally speaking the exact gain staging level is a matter of personal taste as we are working on digital grounds. But there a various reasons to leave enough headroom, so around -18 to -12dBFS is usually a good starting point.
Adjusting the level of each channel with your pre-gain is a valid approach. To make things easier it helps to set up your meter with different colours for each critical zone, for example minus 18, -12, -6, 0. An instant visual feedback is a game changer - it will make your life much easier, not only during gain staging. HereĀ“s an excellent tutorial:
Another idea: Since samples and more often than not virtual instruments scratch the 0dB mark when loaded - why not keep presets for your favourite stuff that adjusts the level right from the start. Not sure though which method seems to be the best for that as there a a lot.