Setting the Project Cursor Position (ALT+SHIFT+CLICK)?

Hello, I am new to Nuendo. I have a question.

How do I set the Project Cursor Position by ALT+SHIFT+CLICK in Nuendo?

Although the Nuendo 8 Manual says that it is possible By holding down Shift-Alt and clicking in the event display, I couldn’t find it anywhere in the software.

Can anyone please help?

It was subsequently removed because it was in conflict with Slip function using the same modifiers.

Well, that is really unfortunate for me as I just came from Cubase and I miss it. Besides, the manual still says that it is there.

Do you know if it will be brought back in version 10?

I don’t believe they will.
While it was there one could change the default modifiers for slip and still have both functions available.
After some discussion it just disappeared. No explanation, with complete disregard to users.
To Steinberg defense, there is a similar function in the preferences already.

Newbie Question:-

What does it mean to “Set Project Cursor Position”? How is it different from clicking where you want the cursor to be?


To my knowledge, it is not necessarily different. However, “clicking where (Anywhere regardless of empty space or not) you want” was possible in Nuendo but now it is not.

It is possible in Cubase though.

I don’t know if i understand you clearly, but “clicking anywhere” is working here.

To my knowledge, it is not necessarily different. However, “clicking where (Anywhere regardless of empty space or not) you want” was possible in Nuendo but now it is not.

Clicking in empty space still works but it is (and always has been) a preference setting under “Transport”. john

Are you sure? Are you talking about empty spaces or even over clips/events?

Yes. I have been trying to utilize that. But it isn’t quite good enough for me as the other option. Anyway, thank you.

I think I know what you mean, now. Clicking in empty spaces works moves the cursor to the place where you clicked, but clicking on events only selects the event. Double-clicking opens the editor.


I see. I don’t recall ever clicking on an event in Nuendo and having the cursor move there but, if memory serves, you could (can?) do that in Protools.

Yes you can. “Link Timeline And edit Selection”.

Avid and Steinberg need to collaborate. :wink:

Yes you can. “Link Timeline And edit Selection”.

Interesting, where do I find that setting? I looked thru preferences and key commands to no avail. Thank you!

Bottom row. The blue button on the right.
Screen Shot 2019-04-24 at 7.14.47 PM.png

Misunderstood you, thought you meant we could do that in Nuendo! Yes, would be lovely if we could do that in Nuendo.

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For what its worth, have posted a feature request here (FULFILLED) Setting the Project Cursor Position like Cubase (ALT-SHIFT+CLICK) - Nuendo - Steinberg Forums