Setup Flow panel use

Other than double clicking to change its name or right clicking to do a couple of other things, what is the use of let’s say five flow items? You can’t use them to “go” to that flow which would be nice.
What am I missing? Or is that all there is as Peggy said.

In the general case, think of them as “separate pieces of music within a collection.” They can contain different instrumentation, have different titles/subtitles/composers/etc, have different engraving rules, appear in different orders in different layouts, etc, etc…

The “separate pieces” might just be consecutive movements of a larger work - which means you don’t have to mess about with the formatting to suppress cautionary key and time signatures at the end of movement 1, if they are different in movement 2, etc.

Or you might have different flows which are different “versions” of the “same” piece of music - for example in a music theatre project where you haven’t decided exactly which version of a song to use yet, or a collection of teaching pieces arranged for different instruments.

Of course if a project is just “one piece of music”, none of this is very relevant, and you only need one flow.

I have a suite with several movements each in a separate flow. I just can’t see what the flow panel is used. Clicking on any of those items in the flow panel don’t “do” anything other than allowing me to rename a Flow or delete it and lose it entirely. So I ask again, is that all they are for?

In the Setup Mode you control the connection between Flows, Players and Layouts. Consider the following cases:

  • In the 2nd movement there is a second choir. Those Players are included in the 2nd Flow but not the 1st or 3rd
  • Flow #2 contains an independent fragment of music - eg writing out a cadenza passage/guitar solo/… which you want to include only in the violin/guitar Player’s Layout
  • Flows 1-10 are songs in a songbook. The main Layout for the book contains all Flows. You can also create separate Layouts for focussing on one Flow at a time

yes, it would be nice, if the score just flips to the beginning of a specific flow, if one clicks onto it.

We do have plans for improving score/flow navigation in the future, but for the moment there is the new Go to Bar… function (Ctrl-G/Cmd-G) which also lets you navigate between flows, and commands to go to next/previous flow which you can bind to your own preferred key commands.

Paul, is there any way to type information into the flow boxes in setup mode without it displaying in the title? I was working on a hymnal project and wanted two different versions of the same hymn and I wanted to document what the differences were. When I started typing it obviously changed the title on me, which I didn’t want. Is it possible to build in a feature that allows us to put other data about the movement in those boxes that doesn’t automatically map to the title token? Maybe we could type in the text we want to transfer with the title token, and then anything listed in square brackets wouldn’t be included in the token? That way we could have notes to ourselves about the differences of the flows. This would be particularly useful in the use-case you describe of having multiple versions of the same score. If they all have the same title you won’t immediately know what version you’re clicking unless you scan around the flow if you have many versions.
HYMN NAME [this version has alternate harmonies in measures 3,5, & 9]

I don’t know of any mechanism at the moment, though we do have separate Flow Info properties already, just probably no way of showing those in the Flow currently.

Maybe a mouse hover over the flow box in setup mode to display, like a tooltip, the info properties or other info sections would be possible?

Yes, that would be possible. Daniel and Ant may have other grand plans for setup mode however…

Since the Flow Box in Setup does not have to be the same as the Flow Title in Program Info, I sometimes use the same Title in Prog Info but make a short indication int he Flow Box to distinguish “Hymn 6 (in D)” from "Hymn 6 (in E)