Shift+Ctrl+A question (Select More)

A quick question: why does the Shift+Ctrl+A keybind select all tempo markings EXCEPT ritardandos and accellerandos?

I can select one rit. and have that shortcut select all subsequent rits and accels, but selecting “a tempo” or a numbered tempo marking - while that will continue selecting all further tempo changes (a tempo and, eg q = 120) - will not select any rits./accels

I’m just curious why the rit./accel tempo marks specifically are different from the others. they all come from the same pop-up, don’t they?

Note that in the Font styles, there is a difference between Immediate Tempo and Gradual tempo change. I suppose you could Select more Immediate and Gradual tempi and all tempi would be selected.

you mean like select an “a tempo” AND a rit, then use the “more” shortcut?

I’ll try that.

I guess that Dorico considers Gradual tempo changes as a different kind of entity than Immediate tempo changes.

aha, so selecting one of each does let the “select more” shortcut recognize both kinds of tempo markings.