shortcut or a special key function to temporarily bypass a group (container level, not tracks)

I’m looking for a shortcut or a special key function to temporarily bypass a group (container level, not tracks). Just to make a trip or something without canceling the group and having to do it again. Thank you.

what you mean with container level?

groups are part of the audio path and sum the audio together
if you bypass this, no audio will be heard…

There must be a translation problem here. In Cubase, I can group tracks, or group objects (clips, containers, I do not know in English the name). At that moment, they are manipulated in groups. But often I have to move a single “clip” without moving the whole group. I wonder if we can temporarily “cancel” the group to move a single item (with the idea of returning to the group without losing it). Sorry for the translation.

ahhh… grouped events
tracks are grouped in folders and this behaves a bit different than grouped events

there could be a shortcut to do so, but I don’t remember at the moment

ok rethinking this…
to treat some events together make them a “part”
you can still move the single events inside the part (part editor)

I don’t know this “part” function (or I don’t understand). I’ll take a look. In any case thank you for your attention.