Shortcut to remove "event snap points"

No way dude, i don’t think so. I posted about this some time ago, and no one seems to have an answer so I gave up. I swear to god sometimes these things show up out of nowhere at the most RANDOM spots. They are a nuisance at best. The macro idea is good actually, but honestly there should be some way to select ALL events and with one click set them all to the beginning of the events. I’ve had snap point so close to the end of events that I couldn’t find them and it was driving me batty. I’m STILL trying to figure out the purpose of these things. Sorry, thats not accurate, I know their purpose but when editing, they are a massive pain. I can’t understand why there isn’t a global command to bring all of them to the beginning of their respective events.

For example, if you want to Ctrl+L an event to precisely where the cursor is, Cubase will move the event to the BEGINNING OF THE SNAP POINT, not the beginning of the event at all. And the problem is the snap points aren’t always at the beginning. So then, you have to move your cursor to the beginning of the event, set the snap point to the cursor (this is the quickest way, believe me) and then find the precise spot again that you had the cursor at originally. Either that or move events manually, which takes 3 times as long to get accurately. SUCH a nuisance and it totally kills workflow when editing.

I’m with Xaq on this, these things SUCK. :slight_smile: sorry, just venting frustration. heehee

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