Show chord symbol on top stave

I have a big project. Many flows. Many singers. Solo 1, solo 2, choir etc. In one flow only solo 1. In another flow only solo 2. In a third both solo 1 and solo 2.
I chose Chord Symbols/show for all instruments for both soplo 1 and solo 2.

In a flow with only solo 1 or only solo 2 no problem. But when I have both solo 1 and solo 2 then chords show on both staves, of course. I don’t want that. I can hide chord symbols in solo 2 manually but then the stave still shows.

How do i hide staves/systems that isn’t empty? (I have checked layout options/vertical systems/hide empty staves/all systems.) When I hide a chord symbol the stave is not regarded empty I guess.

is there a way around this?
Would be lovely with an option for “show chords on top stave only”.


The option you’re looking for is at Layout Options > Staves and Systems > Chord Symbols.

Please see the Staves and Systems page of Layout Options, on which you will find a ‘Chord Symbols’ section, with an option to show chord symbols ‘Above top staff of system’.

I see no “Chord Symbols” under “Staves and Systems” (see screenshot)

The feature was expanded since this thread a year ago. Chords are now 5 items above that.
Also, you can always type a search in the box above.

The relevant page in the 3.5 manual is also here.

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I have a Document I imported from Finale via XML. I added new staves and deleted the top staff, and the chord symbols disappeared. When I went to insert them again I found they are still there, but they only appear in the pop-up. Not even the Layout Options > Show Chord Above Top Staff of the System solves this: the chords just don’t show up. Any ideas on what might be wrong (besides importing the XML)?

At least one player in the layout must be set to show chord symbols. You achieve this by right-clicking on the relevant player in the left panel of Setup mode > Chord Symbols > Show for all instruments.

You can achieve the same result more quickly by adding a new chord symbol somewhere on the relevant staff - Dorico will then silently switch the Setup mode option.

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Thank you. I was looking at the first group of options in that pop-up menu and didn’t notice the second group. Problem solved.