Is it possible to selectively show/hide chords in Slash Regions?
Drummers I know like to see chord changes in the solo sections, if possible… - but I want to show slash regions with no chords for the ensemble stuff., with cues - if I can get it going…?
Partially solved… leave chords active for slash regions for the player, but then hide them locally with the Properties panel (with Local selected).
The problem I’m having now is selecting the chord symbols above a slash region. Marquee selection doesn’t work, and I’m trying to find a way to select all the chords over a certain slash region so I can hide them. So far, it’s only one at a time. Is it possible to filter chords in this situation?
How do you do this?
You could add a Chord Symbol Region to whomever and wherever you need the chords?
I think that you used to be able to select the first and last chord of a section, use the key command for Select More (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift-A) and it would select all chords in between. I have a feeling this is not possible anymore.
As I work in Galley View mostly, if I click and hold whilst pressing End, the page keeps navigating right, allowing me to drag and release the marquee around the last chord. Sometimes it’s necessary to Filter Chords where the marquee has selected other items as well.
You could also navigate to that Players’ layout and use the System Track/Filter Chords etc.
Sounds promising… but, I already have chords in the score. When I try to do this, it overwrites the first chord in the region. Maybe in order for this to work, I would have needed to enter chords this way in the first place?
Thanks for your help, by the way ! ! Glad you’re here.
I can’t do this with even one chord… I have to click right on it.
I’m finding I can go page by page in Page View and select em a system at a time.
Now, I’m also having the problem of 2-bar repeats in the score showing up behind the slashes… and, when I have a slash region, I can’t see cues.
I’ve got a whole written drum part in there for playback.
I’m wondering if I need to flat-out copy the bars and not rely on the repeat bars to play em.
Maybe I need to write slashes in instead of using a region in order to see the cues? Maybe I need to create another “player” and “Layout” just for a printable drum part?
Sorry - it’s just clicked that if you want chord symbols displayed in Chord Symbol Regions then you must have them in Slash Regions as well. Apologies, I thought you could choose either.
Let me read through and think some more.
Perhaps you could upload a screenshot or a project file for us to see?
You were right - but, the manual is a bit unclear on which way actually works.
The thing that worked is using Write>Create Chord Symbol Region after making the selection ! Well, that’s solved anyway. Now to show Cues with slash regions…
First, you need the Slash Region. Then, I find that if I insert a Cue (Shift+U) for however long that I desire, the cue appears about the staff.
In the case of unpitched instruments, the rhythm of the cue is displayed and I need to manually adjust the vertical position of the cue via the Properties panel…
Does this happen for you?
Yep, well, now for some reason, that’s just working now too ! Simple. Create slash region, then pick a cue instrument. I’m just stumbling in to this, writing a big band chart, Finale refugee, and things seem to fail the first time every time. No cure for stupid, I’m afraid…
That’s what we’re all here for! Always ask if you need help.
Today I found out that you can set Slash Regions to show chords.
Yes, with Dorico, the thinking is the other way round (which is not without reasoning, actually): you don’t hide chords, you insert a chord region to tell Dorico where to show the chords. I’m fairly certain that any new user that doesn’t have their brains pollutef by ancient workflows would find this perfectly logical!
The real hard stuff for many of us who’ve been working wigh old and legacy Notation software is to think again as a musician (no computer tools involved). My 2c
Well, not so fast. It turns out it looked like it was going to work, but no… Dorico contradicts itself. At first, turning off Chords except for rhythm instruments did the trick, then later on in the solo section, I added a chord symbol region, and thought I had success. Problem? When I added another slash region after it (not a chord region), it showed the chords. So, I hid them manually, a page at a time, then saw that they had also disappeared from the chord symbol region. I guess drummers aren’t supposed to read chords. Screw it - I just left the trumpet lead line for them to look at. I gave up on this - you could do it in Finale. You can show/hide anything anywhere…
I get this, in theory. The problem with this project is the chords are already in there, and everybody who needs to see them usually can see them, where they’re supposed to. The soloists have slash regions with the chords, etc.
The problem is, I can’t seem to show/hide within the same player. It seemed to work for a little while… but then, as I explained, when I added another slash region after the isolated region where I wanted to show them, the act of creating the chord symbol region turned on their display for the slash regions in the entire part… then when I started hiding them individually, they all disappeared.
If there is a way to do it within the same part, while also using non-chord slash regions in that part, I’d like to hear about it.
I’m sorry, I don’t get it. Chord regions and slash regions are not supposed to be connected in any way, there must be something happening there. Can you post a cut down version of your file (for instance save as… a version where all notes are deleted, only leave the chords and the slash regions, so that we can “play” with it and understand what’s going on ?
@jonburr this really is the best thing you can do.
I wouldn’t mind betting that you will have a solution within 2-3 posts of uploading your project. I reserve the right to alter that number!
This has been often wished for (since it works that way for non-system objects) but does not work so far. What does work: with one chord symbol selected, Select More gets (1) all on the system, (2) all in the flow.
I was recalling a post(s) like this when I mentioned “used to”. I was never able to do it myself - I haven’t been around long enough!
Yes, I wanted to get it done, but still curious about this.
The idea was to include chord symbols in the drum part from 35-69 (the solos, would have been), while leaving the slashes but leaving the chords off for the whole rest of the drum part. The attached file has chords and slash regions as they appear in the complete score.
Love the Drums - chord (742.3 KB)