Show MIDI notes from all parts in one view

Let me try with a simplified question. How do I get this look - refer screenshot. Meaning all midinotes within the same view (and optimally no dimmed colors)

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Select all wanted MIDI Parts and open the Key Editor.

Thanks. That much I have also found out. But any idea if it’s possible to keep the colors of all the midi notes non dimmed so to say ? I am aware that the correct colors are only being kept for the selected part. But is there a way to get around this so the correct colors are kept as seen on the screenshot ?


This behaviour is by design. Only the active part’s MIDI Notes have the original color to clearly see the active one.

Sure and it makes sense that it like that. However would have been nice if it was possible to toggle it on and off.

I talked to Rico Derks now and he said he adjusted the colors in a video editing software.
