show more info on the performance meter window

window where you can see meters of your separate cpu core,s
ram meter
harddisk meter
and overall cpu meter

a botton for cleaning your cache of your ram

Take a look into the Windows Task Manager?

You did not list any gear but if on a Mac try:
‘iStat Menu’. Works great.

On any platform. Just restart your 'puter.

HTH (hope this helps)

i want this new performance meter window to replace the performance meter window in cubase 7
i just want more info and more functionality on the performance meter window then just average cpu meter and a hard disk meter

the things i want are explained on the top of the page

You don’t even have this.

i just want more info and more functionality on the performance meter window then just average cpu meter and a hard disk meter

You mean something like this?

Yes, exactly this would be perfect for Cubase :slight_smile:

yeh something like that :smiley:

Studio one performance meter is killer!! Love it

Yeah, love that about Studio One. Reaper’s, as well, shows CPU utilization for each track/channel. Very useful for inspecting what a single plugin uses for CPU. I think it shows more precision than S1, as well.

I also wish Cubase would show a current aggregated latency that includes plugin-introduced latency, like Studio One does. Very useful bit of info. when you want to setup a zero latency bus (audio driver latency aside).

This is a thing of beauty.

And I’m sure that it could be very helpful for the developers to analyze any problems ! :wink:

When I have performance issues and spikes in Cubase 7, recently I’ve been rebuilding the project in Studio One so I can get insight into what is using CPU.

+1 - yes please…!
