Show voice also in multiple note selection

If a single note is selected, the status bar shows the voice:
But if multiple notes are selected, the status bar does not show the voice, even if all notes are in the same voice:

Yes. And…?

Well, just as it is useful to know what voice a single note is in, it is equally useful to know what voice multiple notes are in. So the feature request is as as per the title: “Show voice also in multiple note selection.”


The ‘multiple selection’ status is shown for any multiple selection - not just notes. It could be (eg) a note and a dynamic, or multiple text items, multiple chords etc.

Yes. And…?

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Once it decides there is a multiple selection, I’d guess it’s quite hard to display further details.

…especially when some objects belong to voices and others don’t.

Understandable, though, why you’d want multiple notes to display voice info, @Pete_the_Musician. But I take @Janus’s point to be that Dorico (currently) “jumps off the cliff” as soon as more than one object is selected, rather than waiting until something non-voice-specific is.

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A big related issue here, is how Dorico considers notes and grace notes as two different entities that have nothing to do with each other!
Try to select a run of grace-note + note and see how the Properties Panel is empty!
You need to filter for just notes—which you cannot, because it selects grace-notes as well—or use the filter to deselect grace notes. Quite convoluted.


I agree with all of the above generally. I find I frequently have to deselect in order to select just one note to double-check the voice (and then reselect, or at least Undo to get my desired selection back). Voice colors do not help with already-selected notes.


Some time ago I made the same request: