Has anyone got experience with using Showbuddy active (the new DMXIS) as a plugin in VST live? I have my presets all done in Showbuddy and they work fine in the app, but FOR THE LIFE OF ME I cannot get VST live to do anything to activate them. I’ve used it as an output on MIDI track, a global layer, a VST on an audio track.
Has anyone had success and be willing to talk through how they did it?
Couldn’t find much on Showbuddy on here pal so not really sure what you mean. Found a bit on DMXIS but wasn’t really that helpful to me, and not the same way I ended up getting midi to trigger patch and bank changes in the plugin. The few posts I did find assumed knowledge which I didn’t have hence request for a walkthrough. Figured it out in the end but boy it took some time.
Glad you figured out. The situation is that VSTL can’t handle 3rd party MIDI plugin YET (announced as feature in the making). MIDI ctrl will do for now, then u can probably use their MIDI plugin too.