Showing tempo in all parts

If I’m not mistaken based on what I’m reading in old forum posts, the only way to show a tempo mark or alteration in all parts of a score is to Ctrl X/add the mark as a text token to each of the lower parts, is that correct?

I’m writing for a string quartet that prefers to read from the score, and they’ve specifically requested that tempos show up in all parts of the score, but this seems like a fairly laborious process to go through the entire composition and manually add/adjust/align three text tokens every time the tempo changes.

Nothing a hand copyist wouldn’t have had to do.

To make the players happy and make rehearsals (and the eventual performance) better the extra work would be worthwhile.

Alternatively: Set up 4 dummy instrument groups in the instrument editor and put all of your 4 quartet instruments into their own group. Then you can configure Dorico to show system objects over each and every “group” :wink:


That seems like it should do the trick, but I can’t seem to find any option to show system objects for groups; the only options I’m seeing are for instrument families/soloists. If I change all of the quartet instruments to soloists and enable the “Show system object above the first soloist” option, then I’m still left with only one tempo marking.

I think you need one separate instrument family for each.
No groups are needed but you need separate brackets, but not for the top staff. Maybe text is better anyway?



Oh, sorry, that’s actually exactly what I meant when I said “groups”. My bad :wink:

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I guessed that that’s what you meant. Too bad needs separate brackets. Nice idea.


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Awesome, thanks all! I agree that it stinks that it breaks up the bracket; hopefully we’ll be able to toggle system objects another level down from instrument families someday. I’ll weigh my desire for good-looking bracketing against my reluctance to fiddle with text objects throughout the entirety of the piece, haha. It’s just good peace of mind to know that I’m not overlooking any other methods.

I dunno, I rebracketed it in Engrave Mode without any difficulty when trying that method. I only tried with two families, but I was still able to drag the bottom of the bracket down to the next staff

Cancel. If you do that, the system objects will disappear once you refresh the layout