Hi everyone.
I’m using Cubase Pro 8.5 and I’m trying to use a dynamic EQ (Fab Filter 4) to let space to a solo cello over the orchestra and some synths.
But I don’t find how to sidechain the full band to the cello track.
How does it works in Cubase Pro 8.5 ? Is there the possibility to sidechain in 8.5 ?
Thank you very much !
Hi and welcome to the forum,
I guess you are talking about Pro Q4, right?
It is right there in its manual:
- Open Cubase and create a new empty project.
- Add two audio tracks that we’ll use as main track and side chain track.
- Add audio files on both the main track and the side chain track. You can simply drag audio files from a Finder/Explorer window onto a track.
- Open the Mixer. In the main track, click on an empty insert slot and select the VST 3 version of FabFilter Pro-Q 4 in the EQ menu (note the VST 3 icon which looks like ///).
- Open FabFilter Pro-Q 4’s interface and choose the ‘Side Chain’ item from the external spectrum list.
- In the plug-in header, click on the Activate Side-Chain button (right of the R/W buttons) to enable the external side chain in Cubase.
- At the top of the Mixer, set the output for the side chain track to the side-chain input of FabFilter Pro-Q 4.
Here’s the link to Fabfilters’s manual:
I mean, that is up to you, but do you really want to sedechain the whole spectrum, like all of it?? I highly advice to be a tat more selective…