Signature Track Question

Is there a way to change signature using the signature track the have it change between bars? I have snap off, but every time I want to insert a signature change halfway through a bar, it moves it to the nearest bar. What am I missing here?

When writing music time signatures don’t change in the middle of a bar. It’s always at the beginning of a bar.

See post below for quote from manual.

With Cubase, you can slice or dice musical phrases in any way deemed necessary.

Edit: Redacted

From the operation manual:

If you want to cut a bar short (ie in 4/4 time and only two notes) you’ll have to change that bar’s signature before inserting the new one.

There is no rulebook on how music is written Shinta, sorry but attacks on my personal credibility will not raise you further in the hierarchy of power at

I’ll admit, there is no rulebook on how music should SOUND. However, translating that into notes has a set rulebook (if you want another musician to be able to play it). I take back my statement.

By all means I care nothing about my rank on :wink: (considering I never posted there)
By all means I care nothing about my rank here. I try to help people. That’s all.

And I did nothing to attack your personal credibility.
Your post was off topic of the OP asking why time signatures went to the closest bar.

The OP requires understanding, something only a Jedi Knight can provide, however a musical phrase can constitute multiple signature changes although most likely of the same denominator notwithstanding initial compositional phases which may require more divisions in order to get back to basic time.

If this does not make sense, there are others in the forum who have unique experience and ways with the force who can explain further.

All the best

Now that I think about it, it does make sense.

I am a trained pianist. I have a firm foundation in music. I don’t have a firm foundation in composition.
My brain failed to keep up with my typing.
However, time signature changes only happen at the beginning of bars.

But what if OP’s purposely trying for a dissonant phrase. :wink: OP will joint the dark side of the music. :laughing:

I have no training in music, but have learned to compose music by using Cubase.

If not for the help that other masters in this forum have provided over the years I’d likely understand very little other than from people I know personally, which is why I am against people trying to stop others’ helping newbies.

It is true that the bar cannot change part way through, hence why I am suggesting the OP divide their music into various signatures within a phrase but try to keep it with the same denominator and if doesn’t work try other signatures in order to define appropriate lengths for particular sections.

Fortunately all versions of Cubase support this basic functionality but it can be easily overlooked when in pursuit of audio as opposed to MIDI.

Cheers and best of luck

P.S. As for the assailing of persons on this or other forums, it seems a common attack vector for those who would want to drag down anyone who experiences any joy at all using a DAW, rather to limit expectations on the part of the userbase more generally in order to foster fear throughout the galaxy.

You are correct that music isn’t able to have a new time signature within a bar. I forgot about that after taking nearly 10 years of piano myself. I got caught up in the technical side of things when moving my signatures around on my track and didn’t think about it.

So, I suppose I will have to figure out the time signatures of the different sections, huh? For example, the opening section of my song has a 3/2 time signature (8 bars). Then, the second part of the song has a 4/4 time (8 bars). The third part has a 5/4 time (4 bars). Everything is dandy with setting up my signatures for these sections.

The problem I face is when I come to these sections later in the song. This time around, I’ve extended or shortened some of the sections. For example, in the beginning of the song, I played the 3/2 section for 8 bars. The next time around, I want to play it for 8 1/2 bars. How do I calculate the time signature for that new section?

Math isn’t my strong suit and I think I feel smoke coming from my ears… :confused:


  1. True half bar (1-1/2 beats)
  2. Short rest is okay

Drop the signature down to 2/2 and use a quarter rest at the end.

However, it really depends on how you want your piece to sound.
I’m sure that the answer is out there, I just don’t know.

You might try re-posting your last post in the Music Lounge and title it something like “Advice on Time Signature to Use” or something like that.
Just a thought.

The 2nd section is 8 bars in 3/2 followed by 1 bar of 3/4 (or possibly 6/8, whichever makes the more sense with regard to what is actually being played), given that it really is half a bar of 3/2 that is needed. Or you could possibly do seven bars of 3/2, followed by one bar of 9/4.

Vic is right, generally you choose a signature that best suits the rhythm, regardless of how something can be divided up.

Remember that tempo has an influence as well.

Basically when listening to the metronome (the electronic one, not samples) you need it to be an instrument in and of itself, that is to provide a rhythm not untoward the piece you are composing, so on the up beat (high tone) a division may be needed earlier on, so that it fits with say, the beat of a snare.

There are no hard and fast rules, but you can always try moving up to 8th notes from 2’s or 4’s depending on what the music (as opposed to rhythm) is doing. This will require inserting silence at various points of a song so if there is audio present this can become difficult and in fact may render previous work unusable.

Fortunately or unfortunately, it’s a “feel” thing, whether you are playing an instruments or programming with a mouse.