Signpost confusion

In this piece in 2/4 time, four measures have signposts, all saying “2/4 (q, 1+1)”. All bars have the correct notes for the time sig. Bars 25, 26 and 38 all play okay. Playing bar 32 has a curious pause after the last note. Answers to other posts in this forum say just delete the signpost: okay, but where did they come from? What do the signpost contents mean? Bar 32 presents a more serious issue: how do I get rid of the pause?
Lisboa (1.3 MB)

Hi @jrethorst,
there is some mess going on with your time signatures and removed rests:

  • you have several pick-up bars (the signposts, that show hidden TS of bars that contain different number of beats than the 2/4: 2 of them have 4 beats, one of them 2,5 beats !),
  • you have some inserted bar-lines that create some other time signatures, and
  • you have hidden rests (this creates some problems, in particular in bar 32).

I made a short video to show how to handle this globally (you may want to remove some rests again, but now with clean Time Signatures and bar lengths. Oh: and don’t forget to deactivate Insert mode after you deleted the two eight bar rests!! :wink: ):


A signpost represents something which is in the score but not currently visible. These particular signposts indicate a hidden 2/4 time signature. If you select one of them and open the lower Properties panel, you’ll see that the “Hide time signature” is ticked; if you untick it, the time sig will appear. You can generally delete either the signpost or the time sig.

I was going to write more about the last 2, which are trickier, but I see that @Christian_R has already provided a detailed explanation!