Simultaneous time signatures with barlines aligned

If you bothered to learn the efficient ways to convert between triplets and non-triplets in Dorico, it takes the same amount of time to convert one bar or 100 pages - about 6 keystrokes.

Tristis, Iā€™ve just reread the entire thread in order to see what I was missing.

With the exception of your initial post, you only explicitly address what should appear on the screen. You never talk through the steps of how you expect to interact with the software. If you want to suggest a feature, nobody could possibly expect you to tell the developers how to actually code it, but is it too much to ask that you use the established Dorico lingo?

Iā€™m evidently a bear of little brain but I donā€™t like to be misinterpreted as deliberately obtuse.

Such hostility (of course you described me as a troll the other day). If you think everythingā€™s fine as it is thereā€™s not much I can say.

Iā€™ve been trying to explain what I meant to those that were struggling to understand it. I think I gave two good examples (the Bach and the Hahn). If you need a more demanding example, I could keep an eye outā€¦

My issue certainly wasnā€™t with understanding what 3/4 against 9/8 was. Iā€™ve certainly played the Hess transcription of Jesu, Joy enough timesā€¦

Thanks for this contribution. I was beginning to doubt my own sanity!

As ever, Iā€™m impressed by your teamā€™s ambition.

Thanks also to mth and Dan.