Skipping a cadenza in parts

What is the best way to erase one player’s solo cadenza bars in the parts of other instruments? I can take out the time signatures and bar lines and rests one by one, or use a seperate flow for the cadenza (I’d prefer not to do this), but I’m hoping there’s a way to simply remove a section from each part, without deleting from the full score.

Any advice much appreciated!

The best approach might depend on how long the cadenza is.

But one thought… could you use local time signatures for your solist whilst everyone else has an open time signature (hence a single bar)?

Thanks Janus, actually I’m also struggling to remove bar lines in individual parts. Changing the meter doesn’t seem to help. Any tips?

I was thinking something like this…
cadenza-demo.dorico (410.1 KB)


Thanks Janus, it took me a few tries to figure out where I was going wrong. It turned out that my cadenza had quite a few time signature changes in the solo part and these were global time signature changes (is that the right term?) instead of staff-specific changes. When I went through and changed each time signature so that it applied only to the solo instrument staves somehow it fixed all my problems with barlines. Not sure why.