Hi! Is that a possibility to insert a slide on a Guitar Score without getting too crazy for that? Just add a Slide?
Hey Filipe! Could you give us an example? Bottleneck slide? Fingering slide? Pick slide? Slide-in or Slide-out?
It’s a little hard to guess what you’re after…
Have you watched that video? John talks about slide in at 38’.
Otherwise, I suppose a simple portamento ornament should work? Can you post a picture of what you are trying to achieve? This would probably get you faster wher you want and reduce frustration.
It would be ideal to have a “S” for finger slide, just like we have “H” and “P” for Hammer-on and pull-off.
Been saying that for a while now…
Although, just like with HO and PO, it’s really just another way to play legato, and therefore should really only need a fingering indication to clarify.
So in principle just like a slur, but with a, say, “1-1” on top.
But if course, if fingering isn’t necessary, then you’d need the “s”… And a slide “s” then is arguably even more important to have than “H” and “P”!
I’ve since made a playing technique of course, but a native solution with a separate playback technique attached would be swell!