Every time I load a new instrument (Kontakt 7) Dorico sits there for 45-60 minutes. So far two instruments loaded.
That’s certainly not usual. Can you please take a sample of the VST audio engine process so that we can see what it’s doing?
I forget exactly how this needs to be done as it’s a while since I’ve done this on Windows myself. If Process Explorer offers the option to sample a selected process, please choose it there; if it’s not in Process Explorer, it can be done with Process Monitor, another Sysinternals tool you can download from the Microsoft web site.
It’s so very hot up in my office and I need to head down, but when I try again on Sunday I will.
Probably not the issue, but it might be worth checking the instruments you are loading in the stand alone version and see if the load times are slow. If so, try doing a batch re-save. I had a library the other day that was taking about 10 minutes to load. Once I did the batch re-save it took about 10 seconds.