Small feature request: Auto-ID and draggable order for markers on marker track

Hello Steinberg devs,
I’d like to make a small feature request/upgrade to the marker track: Make the marker order draggable on this list, and make the IDs auto-update based on the order that they are in:

When I went to create the intro marker, it was ID 11 and I couldn’t drag it up to the top, even though it was the first marker in the project. When I manually changed the the intro marker ID to 1, that moved marker 1’s previous ID down to the next marker. So I had to manually adjust all 10 markers, simply because I added a new intro marker.

Even if there’s an alternate way of doing this (please tell me if there is), it would be a nice feature to make this list order draggable and the IDs auto-update based on their order (unless the user has the feature disabled).

Thanks in advance for your consideration!

Well, we can sort markers’ list by clicking on the position column.

Isn’t reassigning position markers ids sufficient?

First, thank you for showing me the work-around. Next, do you know of a way to make that function MIDI mappable or a key command so that I can add it to a macro? Otherwise it’s a way to do it but it feels like it’s inefficient compared to dragging it up really quickly over on the left side in the inspector.

EDIT: I just tried moving a little more quickly with the CTL + M to open the Marker window, then clicking that dropdown didn’t take as much time as I thought so I’m OK with this. Thanks @m.c as always! Btw, I’ll have some more questions for you soon! :wink:

It would be great to have an auto-reassign-markers option.

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