Small FR: ability to hide gradual dynamics


I was wondering if the option to hide immediate dynamics could be extended to gradual dynamics. For example, I want to hide the dynamics in this second system and replace them with a “sim.”:

I understand now the recommended workaround is deleting them and adding in gradual dynamics with automation; I assumed I would be able to hide all dynamics before.

Still, it would be convenient to hide them instead of getting rid of them, especially if I’d like to alter the dynamics and show them in my scores later on!

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+1 for this feature - and please make it a local property. :slight_smile:

There are times when Condensing creates dynamics above and under the stave because of small differences between the condensed content - which is in and of itself perfectly reasonable and legitimate, but for the reader of the score one of them would suffice.
There is no possibility to hide one of them currently (without messing up the player’s part).