Smart Scales in Key Editor

Cubase HAS a fold function like Abelton !
more infos:


Sorry CentralMusic but I can’t see the same function in the ableton video and the video you posted … the 1st vid (ableton) shows that you can select some notes and then “fold” every lane to be those notes only !
The 2nd video (cubase) focus more on the way to only see some lanes where there are some events… so ok maybe i could work like the fold button, but only for VST3 plugins and worst ONLY IN DRUM EDITOR, that is not in the KEY EDITOR.
The only thing getting really close to the fold button, in Cubase is to use colors linked to chords (and scale), and see through colors wich notes are off the scale or in the scale. but Certainly not as intuitive (and fast) as the fold button of Ableton.

So yeah a fold button like ableton could be very neat in cubase…and NO it does not already exists in Cubase (tho I got Melodic flow, a plugin that does this for me)

ah… ok I understand. Yes, there´s no fold option in the key editor currently.