Snap Point not able to set to the very end of Clip

I’ve notices that it is not possible to set the snap point of an event to the very end of the event just by dragging the snap point line. It seems to be because the handle of that line is on it’s right side so it stops just a little before the end of the event.
Now I know, that there is a workaround with macros with set snap point to cursor position and so on, but having this line should make us able to set it not only to the very beginning, but also to the very end of the clip.

I’ve recorded a short video showing what I mean.
(In german the little “S” is a “R”)

Win11, Cubase 13.0.51

Nuendo 13.0.51 here and I can confirm this behaviour.
Haven’t tried it on Cubase 14 yet.

That happens when you do not have this Zoom setting selected in your Sample Editor:

Since I am a big fan of “auto zoom to event” I run into this issue fairly often. What you describe is actually only one side of the problem. The other being that once you set the snap point to the right edge of the event, you cannot access the snap point handle within the editor any longer.

I have made myself the macro to set the snap point to the end, so that I don’t have to use the editor. In all other cases I have to change the Zoom settings temporarily.

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