snapshot unreliable?

When I overwrite mixer snapshote in cubase 10.0.10 they sometimes dont update, and the new settings are not recallable. anyone else who has this problem?
or suggestions?


Can you reproduce it? Does it happen only in some circumstances?

I am on OSX, so maybe in Windows that´s not a problem.

To reproduce:
Open empty Cubase project - add 16 audio tracks - store different mixer volume snapshots - recall snapshots, change a volume, update selected snapshot.
After a few changes to the snapshots, some of them “die”: if you click on them, nothing happens, the former mixer setting is unchanged, also “update selected snapshot” does not change that.
Only deleting the dead snapshots and adding new ones helps, but not for long…



I’m sorry, I can’t reproduce it. I’m also on macOS.

Ok, thanks for checking!