If you separate the music from the relief effort that the music was supposed to facilitate, then the music was by far a resounding success.
The relief effort, however, was far in the other direction. After considerable effort by all involved we raised (as was noted earlier) only about $100. It was disheartening to get an absolute lack of response from the media as I tried to raise awareness of our efforts to say the least, so we were unfortunately dependent solely on word of mouth. Still, word of mouth only goes so far without the viral-ity of the message.
I suspect this is the reason why you haven’t seen a call to arms for Japan.
After living here in the Hawaiian islands for 14 years I find that many of the local folks
(especially the older ones) still have a ‘not so positive feeling’ about anything Japanese.
It’s not healthy or cool to blame the ordinary people of a country for the abhorrent actions of their ruling regime. The US and UK regimes have committed war crimes consistently over the last few decades yet it’s not our fault as ordinary citizens. Can’t blame the ordinary people of Japan for Pearl Harbour anymore than you can blame ordinary neocons for 911. Anyway Pearl Harbour was known about in advance and it was let happen in order to pre-text the USA into WW2. And let’s not even get onto the Hiroshima and Nagasaki genocide.
My heart goes out to the people of Japan and the Palestinians. The former the victims of nature, the latter the victims of racism.
However when I hear the old folks at my church telling the story of looking out from their homes
and seeing/hearing/smelling/tasting the horror and destruction all around them
I do start understand why it is hard (for them) to forgive/forget.
My heart goes out to the people of Japan and the Palestinians
Right on Paul. I’m with you on this.
Because I live here my heart goes out to those Hawaiians
(who were not americans at the time) who lived thru this and
still continue to harbour resentment; regardless of how and why it happened.
Some even feel it’s Karma. A sort of pay-back. Sad.
But I do see this attitude changing a bit with the younger folk.
Anyway we are waiting to see if the radiation reaches us and what effect it will have.
I have already had enough with my cancer treatments.
I know but it’s still bigoted to blame everyone in a nation for the vile behaviour of their Ruling Elite. People should have enough intelligence to distinguish this.
For example it would be abhorrent to blame the ordinary Israelis for the war crimes and genocide of the Israeli Regime and just as bad to blame Americans and British for the vile violence of their regimes.
Some even feel it’s Karma. A sort of pay-back. Sad.
That’s just disgusting
Forget the old bigots. Humanity is more important. We are all human beings regardless of nation/race/ethnicity.
But I do see this attitude changing a bit with the younger folk.
Anyway we are waiting to see if the radiation reaches us and what effect it will have.
I have already had enough with my cancer treatments.
This radiation issue has been totally hyperboled by an irresponsible Western Mainstream Media. Don’t worry about it. You’ll get more of a dose from a CT-Scan
The Chernobyl explosion spewed far more radiation over Europe and we are still alive. Well most of us
But the bigotry of old might be disappearing with the younger one’s and that’s a good thing. but there’s a new bigotry being instilled by the Elite that is cultivating an Anti-Muslim bigotry based upon nothing much more than propaganda and false flags. I read many comments by westerners who have developed a bigotry against Muslims. I’m sure you have too Steve.
eh? - I’m not on any crusade against Muslims. I’m against Crusades against Muslims.
At ‘best’ I may have a slightly ‘tainted view’ about middle easterners…primarily for the religious fanaticism and treatment to their women…so I hear…but I don’t let that rule me overall. I’ve worked for many middle easterners who have been very nice people…one lady tried to throw her niece at me a couple years ago, saying she needed a “good boyfriend” > >
There’s nothing wrong with making jokes in a bigotry type way, I do it all the time and think it’s funny…even with my own heritages…but real hatred is really the individuals own issues and ignorance.
There’s just as much religious fanaticism in the USA.
The claim is something like “We’re doing this because they’re doing that and we’re trying to stop them” … But I bet it’s being used in more than just a reactive/defensive mode.
Paul is certainly right – the rich and powerful have been fomenting war and sending the lower classes (and young men) off to fight them for eons now. But it’s also true that quite often, the common man, for whatever reason, has enthusiastically “joined the cause” and carried out the will of his rulers. Adolf H-itler had a LOT of help, you know
I guess for me the important point is to not blame the descendants of those who committed crimes against humanity
I recall specifically the US Civil War and the First World War… when war was declared, there was a lot of enthusiasm amongst many of the the young men to “get in on some action” etc. … which illusions were quickly dispelled after First Bull Run and the Battle of the Somme
WW1 was a particularly overtly fabricated war, a significant reason ( apart from the usual profiteering ) was to get rid of the Ottoman empire becuase they controlled lands wanted by certain others and refused to give it to them.
The propaganda in Britain for the big adventure was particularly nauseous.
Ok, I see waht you mean … I’m no fan of any religious cult, but yes I am a fan of sticking up for those targeted by bigots and warmongers. It’s unfair to blame all Muslims, most of which are peaceful and decent people, for the actions of a few. IN the same way the vast majority of Christians are not to blame for the Christian extremism that drives some of the foreign policy of certain Western countries
Yes, fanaticism comes in many forms, religion being one…but to me, there’s not much more of a coo-coo religion that some middle eastern types of religions…though in the states we have nut jobs that worship snakes >
Christianity is a Middle Eastern desert religion but is basically the state religion of the USA. You even have “In god we trust” on your coinage.