Solo a track also solos other random tracks

when i solo a track it also solos other random tracks (but they all seem to be ones with automation read engaged) but other than that they have no relation to the solo’d track.
I just want only the track i solo to be audible (and any associated sends or groups if that’s relevant) but not other instruments or channels that have no relation to the solo’d channel.
I thought it might have something to do with “mute pre-send when mute” and “group channels: mute sources as well” checkboxes in the VST page of cubase settings, but i tried unchecking them and applying solo again but no difference. Any help appreciated, Joey


Are you talking about MIDI, Instrument or Audio Tracks? If it’s an Instrument Track, do you use multi-timbral or multi-outs? Do you solo in the Project window or the MixConsole?

What about routing?