(SOLVED) algorithm, root-key, global transpose, fine-tune, volume, NOT displaying in Cubase 9.5.50 its GONE

algorithm, root-key, global transpose, fine-tune, volume, NOT displaying in Cubase 9.5.50

just like that, when I select an event, this tool bar is not displaying anymore… its TOTALLY gone

terrible, go back to 9.5.41

You’ve probably just unchecked the ‘Info Line’ in ‘Setup Window Layout’ - the icon that looks like a gear on top of the right edge of a piece of paper. It’s in the upper right of the Project Window.

maybe is that, is possible to get screenshot? but I have only 2 gears… can’t find that one the third

it looks like this:

somehow still hidden… I have enabled setup status line and set up tool bar, is missing one more on where those mentioned tools exist

Oops, sorry my description was for C10. In 9.5 you want to use the little down arrow just to the left of the top gear.

im sorry I got in panic but I found it! Thank you so much!

I went down the exact same road awhile back. The down arrow is really a poor choice for what it does, which is probably why they changed it to something more obvious in 10.

indeed, its easy to lose that little arrow or to know about his existence, I think I clicked some key command who disable it …

thank you so much rino, I really appreciate your support, your empathy and help