Hi @mkok
Wow I’m surprised. It worked. In most other cases it needs the hard reboot to fix things but this worked. Thanks
Thanks for the updated message - glad to read it worked!
Hi @mkok
Wow I’m surprised. It worked. In most other cases it needs the hard reboot to fix things but this worked. Thanks
Thanks for the updated message - glad to read it worked!
Could you please try once more to fully shout down your iPhone (same as @mkok), as explained in this Apple article?
Does Cubase iC Pro work as expected, once you’ve relaunched the iPhone?
I’ve found out this is not a permanent fix. You have to keep rebooting the phone every time Cubase is shut down or another device like an iPad has been used.
I tried using it today after I’d been using the iPad and it just disappeared again, I then rebooted and it worked again. I then used the iPad (making sure that I do a full close on icpro by swiping up and closing) and it doesn’t work again. If I close Cubase and restart it still doesn’t work. I have to reboot my phone for it to start working again.
But not only that. If I reboot my phone it works but if I close a project and Cubase and then open again it just disappears again. This is without using my iPad so it’s not that causing it. Or at least not just that.
So this definitely isn’t fixed with a reboot if the phone completely as you have to keep rebooting.
I am seeing the same behavior. I am able to get the iPhone to work if I turn off my WiFi on my phone, then turn it back on. I get one use, and if I close and open a new project, I have to shut off WiFi again to reconnect. Sometimes I have to turn it off twice or three times before I connect.
Something is still wrong - any word about my crash report?
This works for me.
Quit ICPRO. turn off WIFI, Launch ICPRO and with ICPRO running in foreground turn wifi back on and all should run ok. Unfortunately for now you’ll have to do this everytime you run ICPRO.
That works for me as well - but it’s painful…
Hi @Muzik4Life
Please give it a try to fully shut down your iOS device, as described in the following Apple article:
Does Cubase iC Pro work as expected, once you’ve restarted your iOS device and Cubase iC Pro?
No it only works for one go then fails again. See my explanation. That’s what Johnny was talking about too.
The way i explained my work around is the ONLY way i can currently get ICPRO to run with C13. At present NO other method mentioned here works!
Agreed and this is reproducible every time. No amount of different reboots fix it
I am having the same issue.
Cubase 13 on Silicon Mac. Latest OS and iOS versions and IC Pro version.
Shutting down the phone completely works. But as soon as the screen goes black, or you switch to another app and back again, it crashes.
This must be easy for steinberg to replicate. I’m on a iPhone 14
Hi all,
We are sorry to read that some of you experience ongoing crash issues with Cubase iC Pro.
Our engineering is currently evaluating the problem and we hope to have a solution available very soon.
Sorry for your inconvenience!
Best wishes,
Hi all,
Please note that Cubase iC Pro 1.2.7 for iOS has been released, which addressed the problem that establishing a connection rendered the app unreliable for some users.
Download Cubase iC Pro on the App Store
Warm greetings,
Cheers. I’ll try that when I’m home.
Hi @mkok
Cheers. I’ll try that when I’m home.
Thanks! We hope that the update resolves your problem, and look forward to your feedback, if it does!
This is such excellent news - I’ll give it a try in my session today!
Can confirm the latest iPad/phone update is now working as it should.
Thank you Steinberg
All the Best
Yes that’s working fine now. Thanks