SOLVED - How can I stop Swing-feeling and go back to straight

In a piece with different sections, one of them is played in light swing. (SCANDINAVIAN SHUFFLE - Light swing h = 90).
But the next section must be played straight.
What shall I write as a tempo-mark to get back to straight feeling (no swing)? This doen’t work: (HAMBO om BAKFOTEN - Straight q = 145)
Hope someone has an answer.
Yours Arne Dich

Simply type “Straight” into the Shift+T popover. You need to write that on its own, then hit Return twice to input it.

Thank you Daniel. Yes it worked. I had tried different combinations but that didn’t work.
Now I succeeded in typing straight alone as you wrote.
And then I used an abbreviation after that in the in the bottom panel. So the “Straight” disappeared, and the correct text (and tempo) in this context became “Tempo I” - and the playback was - straight.

I often get surprised how wellplanned everything is behind the scene in Dorico.

And I also must say, that I am very satisfied with Halion Symph. Orch - sounds. I get the playback exactly as I want it. I always write the articulations, dynamics, slurs etc. very accurate, and Halion plays that. I then just can ask the musicians to listen to the mp3, because everything is played “correct”. Then we can start to wake the music alive. Halion does not try to interpret the written music, and the sounds are good. (Strings can be the weakest link, but I mostly write for woodwind and brass.)

All the best. Arne Dich

Thanks, Arne. I’m very glad Dorico is working well for you.