[SOLVED] How do I dock the Master Section in the Control...

I’ve just upgraded my DAW to Windows 7, and I’m having trouble getting the Master Section to dock in the Control Window (along the left side). I did manage to achieve this in XP (albeit more by luck than judgement as far as I remember), so I know it’s possible, but it doesn’t seem to be happening for me this time around - the Master Section will happily float wherever I want it, and it will dock in a Montage window if I tell it to, but refuses to co-operate with the Control Window. Is there some special step I need to take or something?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

To open Settings menu in Master Section
simply click on yellow “adjustable wrench” icon
and select “Place in Control window”

regards S-EH

Awesome, thanks a lot! :smiley: