Has anyone installed a working Nektar CS12 as a controller? The installation fails for me. Of course, I also passed the question on to Nektar Support.
I may have missed an important step.
Windows 11 Pro, Nuendo 13.0.51: i9-14900KF 64GB
The CS12 is recognized in the device manager, the firmware update worked.
MIDI In/Out is displayed in Nuendo.
ControlCore_Installer_WIN_1.1.6.exe reports: “Support for Steinberg was selected, but Cubase or Nuendo script Location was not found …”
However, the path “C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Nuendo 13\Scripts” exists.
No chance even with admin rights.
The CS12 is not integraded in Nuendo and all elements have no function.
Hi, not sure what path does the CS12 installation look for, but the one you refer to, is not for the midi remote scripts. The path for Cubase MIDI Remote scripts is [your documents folder]\Steinberg\Cubase\MIDI Remote\Driver Scripts\Local, while for Nuendo, just replace “Cubase” with “Nuendo”.
Now, in case that CS12 doesn’t really search for the Nuendo folder and till Nektar fix this, here’s a “hack”: Manually create the folder I’ve mentioned for Cubase, proceed with the installation (shouldn’t throw an error) and then copy/paste into the “Local” folder for Nuendo, the folder of “Nektar” (or whichever name it has) from the corresponding Cubase folder.
Thanks. You’re right about the path. The installer actually tries to store a temporary file in the path:
[your documents folder]\Steinberg\Nuendo\MIDI Remote\Driver Scripts\Local
And even though the installer manages to save this temporary file, it thinks Nuendo doesn’t exist.
Support has already contacted us with a suggestion that doesn’t work either.
Thank you.
Nektar support sent me the file Nektar_Panorama_CS12.js script by email. It must be stored in the folder:
[your documents folder]\Steinberg\Cubase\MIDI Remote\Driver Scripts\Local\Nektar\Panorama_CS12\
This makes everything work. They are currently working on a new installer so that everything will work in the future.
In the first 15 minutes I had a very good impression. I use this in parallel with SSL UF8.
What I immediately liked about 5 Minutes is that sends are very clear and easy to use. In my opinion solved better than SSL UF8 / UF1. And every plugin called from Waves, Valhalla, iZotope is immediately available.
But those were just my impressions in the first 15 minutes of testing.
Hi, I also have the same problem with Cubase and tried what you suggested but there is no script available to copy and paste into the Documents folder? Have I misunderstood? Do you mean copy and paste the ‘Nektar’ folder from Program Files which contains ControlCore and Nektarine? Thanks
Here is the corrected version of what I meant to send. Actually, it does come as a zip file, please unzip the file and follow instructions to manually install:
The ControlCore installer asks the OS for the location of your ‘Documents’ folder and checks for Steinberg’s folder structure within that directory. If our installer doesn’t find the folder structure for Cubase or Nuendo there, it will present a message which indicates that a Cubase/Nuendo installation was not found.
If the ControlCore installer presents that message when the folder structures are present in ‘Documents’, it’s usually because of unusual user account configurations. We are working on an update which will allow ControlCore to find the Steinberg directory in ‘Documents’ even under those unusual configurations but in the mean time, the necessary files can be installed manually.
Place the ‘Nektar’ folder in …DocumentsSteinbergCubaseMIDI RemoteDriver ScriptsLocal and …DocumentsSteinbergNuendoMIDI RemoteDriver ScriptsLocal
Cubase and Nuendo should then be able to detect the Panorama CS12 as a MIDI Remote device. Note, if you only have Cubase or Nuendo, you don’t need to install the files in both locations.
Please let me know your results, thanks.
Debra Benham
Just got my CS12 using on latest Cubase 14 and MacBook Pro, performed firmware update. Enabled control core, cubase and Nektarine in OS Input Monitoring setting. Opening a Cubase session, CS12 is connected and loaded in Midi remote but the whole script is missing. Can’t control anything on the CS12 and in Cubase midi remote it’s just showing an empty black window. Script path leads to file “Nektar_Panorama_CS12.js” - reconnecting script and device does not help. CS12 display shows “NO MIX CHANNEL”. Cubase is receiving MIDI inputs from CS12 but they are not mapped. The CS12 does not appear as a device with all the buttons in Cubase MIDI Remote manager, just as a small black window. My Launchkey 49 MK4 works perfectly in MIDI remote. Very frustrating. What am I missing here? Thanks.
You must first run the installer listed in your Nektar account. He then stops because he can’t seem to find Cubase or Nuendo. Let it install anyway.
It still installs any pre-mapped plugins.
Apparently the link I posted no longer exists. Maybe the problem with the installer has just been fixed?
So here is a download for the script. I hope I’m not violating anything here.
Date of the file is January 30, 2025:
Thanks. I did not have any issues while installing. Exactly the script you have provided is in the right folder and even visible in Cubase. But Cubase is showing just a black square in MIDI remote manager instead of the mirror / device of the CS12 with all the buttons and knobs.
Thanks Tim. Istalled the update from 14.0.05 to 14.0.10 and it works now. Didn’t know about the maintenance update from Steinberg side. Hope, this helps somebody. Br, Colombo