SOLVED Instrument names. 2 Clarinets in A & Bb, but 4 names

I want to call 1. Clarinet for 1. Clarinet in A & Bb, and 2. for 2. Clarinet in A & Bb. Instead Dorico operates with 4 clarinets.
Some cues refer to - but it is 1.clarinet in A & Bb who is playing.
I have mingled with the names for Horns and they are not called Horn in F in F any more.
I know that in panorama-view there are 4 clarinets - but …

Wagner _002.jpg

Try making the names of your second pair of clarinets different, by calling them e.g. “ Clarinet” (i.e. with a space at the start or the end of the name). That should be sufficient to persuade Dorico that they are different instruments, so they won’t be numbered along with the first pair of clarinets.

Thank you very much. It helped in the score, and now also the cues are correct numbered.
But the clarinet-parts are still numbered with 2 names. (Like the Wagner_004.jpg in my first mail)

Try editing the layout names for those two parts: the name that shows at the top left-hand corner of the first page of the part is the layout name by default.

Now it looks like this:

I can override the token, but it does not change the on the following pages .

I have also tried to writé “Clarinet (B Flat)” - that’s the default name for a new clarinet

I wrote this arrangement in té summer with the then newest version of Dorico. During the week I have made revisions in 1.2.10.

Don’t override the token.
Go to setup mode. Look at the Layouts list in the right panel. Right-click on Clarinet 1 & Clarinet 2 and click Rename. Then type Clarinet 1.
Rinse and repeat for the second clarinet layout.
Job done.

Ha - so simple. Why didn’t I think of that. Thank you very much.
I will hurry to change the parts and the internet-site to correct.

  • Dorico is one of the best things happened in the past years - next to my grandson.
    Yours Arne Dich

There are many “corners” in Dorico. I’m maybe not so intuitive learning new programs anymore.
But the layout in Dorico is really good and flexible and stable. Also the mp3-sound is very clear.
Here is the link to the corrected Siegfried Idyll. Thank’s Daniel.