[SOLVED] Midi Key editor blank screen

Untill a few days ago I had no problem using into the Midi key editor, but all of a sudden I have. I get a blank screen and Cubase hangs. Why?

Deleting my preferences did not work.

Support ticket is sent on the matter.

Deleting the program preference files solved my problems as suggested in this thread https://www.steinberg.net/nc/en/support/knowledgebase_new/show_details/kb_show/troubleshooting-instructions-for-cubase-nuendo-and-sequel-on-windows.html.


after installing CUBASE PRO8 update on 8.0.20 version, any MIDI Editors (incl. Place-In Editor) are not working - shown blank screen and CUBASE hangs. It happens via Project Window - via Track buttons - via MIDI menu!!!

Before up to date everythig was working correctly.

It is serious problem… my work is stopped… please help… SOS… May day…

It happens with old projects & new projects, in INSTR tracks, in MIDI tracks with VSTi, in MIDI tracks with hardware device