[SOLVED] Pattern Editor doesn't stay in lower zone

I added the Pattern Editor to the Lower Zone. But when go to another tab within the lower zone and get back to the editor, it’s gone. It then needs to be opened again. And again put into the lower zone. Can’t be the intended workflow… Am I missing something?

From what I am experiencing until now (I just installed C14 Pro trial yesterday), it’s better to create an event in the associated drum track which has to be the length of the pattern in it.

Then, each time you click on it, it’s the Pattern Editor that will be opened in the Editor tab of the lower zone. Actually, all depends of what kind of object is selected in the arrange view : if a MIDI part, it’s the key editor, if a there is a drum map associated to the MIDI/Instrument track, it will be the drum editor, and so on…

This said, I haven’t downloaded the C14 Operation Manual, yet. So, maybe there is a better way to do this…

I think the manual is not there yet. (only found the one for Elements)
I still don’t get it. I opened an instrument channel with a drum synth. When I create an event there this has nothing to do with the pattern editor. I can open the PE and a window opens and i can use it. But it wont stay in the lower zone.

In earlier Versions I would have used the Beat Designer Midi insert for this.
Seems not to be too intuitive or I just don’t understand what the PE actually is meant for.

Edit: Found the manual
Let’s see, if it helps :slight_smile:

Got it! Pattern Editor has to be chosen when creating the instrument track!
Didn’t see that option.

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If that’s sorted the PE staying in the Lower Zone now, you could edit your topic title with [SOLVED] or somesuch…?

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