I Get the into the printmode, but with only a black and blank page, and the layout selector grayed out. Nothing to print. Dorico (555.0 KB)
On my desktop I can’t even get into the printmode. I just get a message that the dorico can’t recieve any printer information and the procedure stops at 70% and Dorico freezes.
I have never seen this before, or anything like it for that matter, and I have use Dorico since v2, and steinberg products since 1996. My computers are both on win10.
My Desktop:
As Dorico Freezes when trying to access Print mode, I have to close/stop (ctrl-alt-delete) the program to be able to make a diagnostic file; so here it is: Dorico (2.0 MB)
Thanks for asking!
But I have done this for years without problems, so why does it happen 2 days ago after installing v.5.1.60?
And There is no queue problems related to the print mode access, where there is options for pdf’s to disc for instance, is it?
So I haven’t checked to be honest.
I think Daniel has said that Dorico needs to get paper sizes from the printer queue when you enter Print mode – so if you haven’t got a printer queue, that might cause a problem. I’m also basing this on the error message.
Sorry, I don’t understand this? There are no problems related to print mode access?
I maybe not good enough in english, sorry! So what are the meaning of “printer queue” here? I thought that you meant that Dorico is wating because of a queue at the printer side of things.
The screenshot shows a printer address on a server, “TOVES-KONTOR” is a server name.
That looks pretty strange, are you really using a server for the printer connection?
I had the same printer (MG-5400) some years ago and I simply connected it directly via the Canon Windows driver to the WLAN of the printer.
In Windows I defined the printer as my default, so that each print job was directly sent there.
It’s my home nettwork. I have 5 different computers connected to the “TovesKontor”-Computer (my laptop, my wife’s laptop, my daughters laptop, my musicstudio desktop, and my office computer, besides ipads and iphones via airdrop) which have the printer connected via USB. It has been stable and reliable in 10 years, so why is this suddenly not working?
I should have said ealier that I have dorico installed on 3 computers:
My laptop - v.5.1.60
My desktop musicstudio - v.5.1.60
My office laptop - v.5.1.51
As you see the office laptop not yet updated, and this computer is ok. Print mode access as usual and ok. Only the comps that have updated to last version of Dorico is not working. That’s why I think it has something to do with Dorico. That’s why I have send the diagnostic reports.
So that means you’ve configured the printer Like in A Server based Network.
For a private Network I would stay away from a config like this and simply configure each device directly via WLAN to the printer. The printer is capable of sorting the incoming Jobs one after the other, that is what @benwiggy meant when he talked about a queue.
In your setup you are printing to a second Computer and that talks to the printer. That’s fine for large company networks, for Home use it is too much that can fail.
I am not a Windows guy, neither a network nerd - not coming to clean the windows or fix your fishing nets…
There must be a tool that monitors the network traffic on your home network, may be a log of those could give a hint.
But you are right, someone from the Dorico team might have an insight into these processes.
Jon, yes that is why I think reading the network protocols might help to find a solution. It might also be good to know, which printer driver is involved.
Usually the developers ask to generate a diagnostic file to help them spot the problem. May be you could do another try, printing one of your Dorico projects, let the print cue stall (may be wait for 3 minutes), only then generate the file, which you can upload here.
If we are “lucky” it might contain information about the print spooling.