I have allready uploaded the diagnostic files!
And I can’t print from Dorico, because Dorico doesn’t open the Print page (mode). Is it me that can’t explain this, or have you read all the posts here?
I wait for some of Dorico’s staff to take a look at diagnostics!
Sorry for this answer. I appreciate your effort to help me. I don’t mean to be rude.
I think we’ll have to wait for one of the development/suport team to have a look at it.
Oh yes, sorry, in your first post. It felt like long time ago
I’m struggling to imagine what the difference could be between Dorico 5.1.51 and 5.1.60 with regard to Print mode. Dorico does indeed need to query the printers defined on the system when you first enter Print mode during an application session. There’s no difference between 5.1.51 and 5.1.60 I can think of that would account for the program hanging there.
Thanks for answering, Daniel!
This is all a mystery to me, and more so now when (almost) ALL IS OK again (both Desktop stuio comp and Office laptop, both on win10), after reconnecting, refreshing WiFi-connections and checking files, and plugins; all of a sudden things seems to be ok. I still don’t know why it was out of normal funksjonallity for the last 2 days. The only thing I can think of at the moment is that some auto MS update can have something to do with it.
But as you may figure out, I’m no tech-nerd!
One thing that’s still bewilldering me is why my new win11-laptop wount show me the print-page just because it’s not connected to any printer. Is that regular behavior? The consequense is that I can’t save any of may score as pdf locally to disc, and I cant send my scores to other people or computers if I don’t have a printer? Is that really intended behavior. I can’t travel and send scores by mail, because I don’t have a printer connected?
The reason my new laptop is not connected to printer is that my printer is not supported under win11, it’s to old. But I would like to send scores from it even tho!
Sorry for a lot of posts that now seem a bit unnecessary! I’m very satisfied with this forum and all the help you, both staff and members, are giving, and the friendly atmosphere here! Thank you!
Here is a picture of the new laptop I mentioned in the previous answer. All the buttons on both sides are active, but no score to be seen and the layout selector is grayed out too.
The project is one of your demoes, and when I clikk on the print tab, I get the picture above.
Hello Jon,
I can Export to PDF from my laptop with no problem. No printer connected. I use the Graphics Button (not the Print Button).
May be an issue with Microsoft print to PDF? How does it look, if you chose another printer there?
Yes, I can export pdf to disc, but there’s still no preview. The preview is just a grey window, as you see in my pic above.
What happens if you switch to Graphics mode, instead of Print mode? Does that make the score visible?
There are some reports in the forum, where users had trouble with Print to PDF, because the Microsoft printer wasn’t able to get all the fonts used in the score. Graphics mode has access to all what Dorico has and allows you to create PDFs directly.
Edit: Ok just saw that @k_b already mentioned the same.
No, still grey!
I just recognized in your screenshot that you have no paper format selected.
Can you select a format here, maybe this is what the preview needs.
No, Juergen, I can’t.The dropdown is dead. But I have selected page format in Layout options.
Ok, if I understand your setup correctly only the machine with Dorico 5.1.60 is running Windows 11, all the other machines are on Windows 10, is that correct?
The driver for your Canon printer doesn’t support Windows 11 anymore, so you decided to make a network connection and now I’m back to my initial thought.
As @dspreadbury said Dorico needs to query the printer for some information, including the supported page formats, because that allows you to define the pages in Dorico. Because of the way it is connected it does not get all the information from the printer on the other machine and therefore some information in the dialog are empty and not selectable.
I know the way Windows 11 works internally to do these kinds of networking, what I don’t know is how this affects the printer setup in Dorico.
Just for testing purposes I would try to connect the printer directly to your Windows 11 computer (via USB cable) and see if that starts working (even if there is no official support for the printer). Maybe this helps you finding the problem in your setup.
Old laptop - v.5.151 - is now working ok and access printer via WiFi
Desktop studio - v.5.1.60 - is now working ok and access printer via WiFi
New Laptop - v.5.160 -greyed out preview.
I have now completely removed the Canonprinter printer from this maskin, but no change. I can still export pdf to disc. but no preview.
May be it is time for a new printer?
The Canon support site says about Canon MG-5400 and Windows 11:
Enheten din støttes dessverre ikke lenger av operativsystemet du har valgt.
[Unfortunately, your device is no longer supported by the operating system]
Yes, indeed it is!
But my new Laptop should give a preview even without printer connected, shouldn’t it?
And my old comps on win 10, is now working, so it’s no rush in bying new printer.
there is one thing you still could try: Install a more recent Printer Driver for an actual model. You might get a bit further with this. I can’t promise it, though
No solutions to this problem yet! The preview is still greyed out!
Jon have you tried installing a newer printer driver? What happens, if you do?
I know there are also open source Gutenprint drivers which will do a good job.
Yes, k_b, I have installed a generic driver on my win11 comp for my old cannon-printer, via PChelpSoft. That did the trick, so thank you!
Printer mode and preview is ok now.
For my 2 win10 comps it was fixed simply by reconnecting the comps with the printer via USB-cable.
Very happy!