Solved: project length jumping to four days long

The project length keeps re-setting by itself.
When I press shift F on pc with the latest version of Cubase Pro 14 installed, it suddenly makes the project over four hours long so I can’t see my 4 minute song.
It is very frustrating.
I am on windows 11, the latest updated version
Intel(R) Core™ i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
64.0 GB RAM
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Windows 11 Home 24H2
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.36.0

This is all I can think of:
Are you sure you’ve set the Project Duration to 4 MINUTES and not 4 HOURS?

Thank you

Yes. I am completely sure. Every time I re-set it to 5 minutes, it works until I make any project changes such as editing a part.

Then immediately it reverts to 4 days 4 hours 57 minutes and some seconds

I keep re-setting it…it works for thirty seconds…I can press shift F and it works.
I then make any edit, press shift F and it jumps to 4 days etc. I then look in project setup and there it is, displaying its chosen setting.
It is a bug in this latest version of Cubase 14. Seriously frustrating.

All the best


This typically happens because of a stray marker at the far right end of the project. You may need to first show the marker track to find it.

There’s quite a few posts about this in this forum, and that is the common solution.

p.s. the thread title is not very helpful, since it doesn’t give the faintest hint of what the problem is.

The title is what the instructions said to call it.

If it was a stray marker it would probably happen all the time and not just randomly

Being that I haven’t used the marker track on this project, it seems unlikely that there would be any stray.

Thank you for your advice though

Not really sure what “instructions” you are referring to, but I suspect it was about using the issue tag and not title.

It’s not necessarily a Marker. It can be anything located along the Timeline - some Automation, a Chord Event, a MIDI Part on a Hidden Track, etc.

Try making all your Tracks visible and see if anything looks suspicious. Maybe use the Range Tool to Select everything at the end and Delete it all.

Might want to save a copy of the Project before making changes.

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You are right. Thank you
I expanded it all last night on the very far right and found one tiny vocal part which had randomly moved to the end.
I don’t know how it happened as I obviously didn’t move intentionally.
It could have happened when I was re-introducing a part from Vocalign
Very strange behaviour.

Unlikely but not impossible. The topic has been solved already but for future readers: You can add markers to a project without ever adding a marker track to Cubase.