Some concerns about a full score project

I’m not sure what you mean by this. Can you post a cut-down version of your project so we can see?

When you initiate a divisi change, the extra staves stick around until you add another divisi change to go back to unison.

As you can see in this example, Violins I & II have divisi but they are condensed and should be separated.
EDIT: Unless I make an exception for Violins I & II to not condense in Layout Options and then change it as Estigy suggested.

Right, if you’ve got condensing on then you may not see separate divisi staves.

If you sometimes do want the violins to condense, then you can also manipulate things with manual condensing changes.

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Well underway, I’ve just finished the first movement of this full score project.
In order to gain some space, I could see that there is the possibility of hiding the staves of those instruments that don’t play for a while (Manual Staff Visibility…), I’ve tried to use it, but it’s a bit complicated and the end result looks very messy.
By any chance, there isn’t an automatic method or a better way to do it?

Yes, there is – take a look at Layout Options > Vertical Spacing > Staff Visibility.

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Oh… yes! :+1:

Another thing I’ve noticed, is that when I switch from “Gallery View” to “Page View” or vice versa (or when I do a zoom-in), it sometimes takes me to the end of the project or to the beginning, or to a place completely away from what I’m viewing, is this a bug?

There has been lots of activity about this issue on the forum. When this happens and I can’t see where I was before switching views, I press P (for play) - this will play back from the current selected note (or any other item), and then the view jumps to the selection.