Some input issues

Hello everyone,
I’ve always used MIDI - Keyboard so I just noticed now. I’m experiencing two issues with note input with keybord (which I’m going to use for a long period of time).

  1. Higher octave E note input: command Shift + Alt/Opt + E doesn’t work. It works for all the other pitches. As a workaround I input the E note, than adjust the octave using Alt/Opt + cmd + up/down arrows, but I would like to have it working as the other 6 notes.
  2. Same thing of New Voices with slash notehead. Shift + Alt/Opt + V not working.

How can I fix this? I got an Italian Keyboard. FWIW.

You probably can’t fix it without changing those shortcuts, I’m afraid. The keyboard handling in Qt, especially on macOS, is not without its problems, and we find that different subtle things break with each version of the framework, which is as frustrating for us as it is for you.

That’s unfortunate :frowning: (and frustrating :joy:) Thank you for the answer though. :grin: