Some Key Commands stopped working

Yesterday I tried out the Key Commands and found that I could change the length of a note by using Ctrl + Shift + arrow keys. Today it does not work. Many other command works fine, but not the control-shift-arrow keys and some other combinations I tried.

I am using Windows 11 (fresh install last week) and Cubase 10 Pro.

I saw in an old post that someone had had this problem randomly, so I followed the suggestion to restart Cubase, but to no avail. Somebody wrote ‘Solved! Thank you!’ but did not reveal the solution.

Note that I did not change any Key Commands, just tested the preset ones.

So, does anybody have a solution to this?


Could you double-check, if the Key Command is still assigned to the function, please?

Yes, it is.


Is the focus in the Key Editor?

The focus is in the Key Editor in a separate window.


  • Extend Length: Alt + Arrow Left/Right
  • Reduce Length: Alt + Shift + Arrow Left/Right

Thanks, but I do not see ‘Extend Length’ in the Key Commands editor, only the Primary and Secondary parameters visible in the image I sent. Maybe there is a difference because I use an older version of Cubase, 10?


The Key Commands are named:

  • Nudge Start Left
  • Nudge Start Right
  • Nudge End Left
  • Nudge End Right

Thanks, those commands works fine. It was not what I tried yesterday, but since this works, I will mark it as ‘Solution’ even though it was not exactly the answer to the question.
You have been a great help, thank you!