Soothing Sound

“Soothing Sound” - instrumental track

Great tune / bad tune ? Any mixing and / or arrangement comments ?

Thanks in advance !


Sounds good…nice and soothing indeed,smooth mix, very pro sound, no real tune to grab hold of though IMHO, but very nice. :slight_smile:


Ah, good to see you’re still around :slight_smile:
I’m almost certain I’ve heard this track before, is this a repost or does it just sound a lot like another track of yours?

I like it though!

Yeah, felt like I’d heard this somewhere before. Maybe it’s the drum track - reminds me of Andy Pickford.
Nice track.

Nice catchy hook in the piano line, like the bass line too.
The mix sounds clean to me, fits with the style of the music. The two chords use withe the synth/pads are almost constant there in the mix, halfway the tune it is slightly lifted, the song could use a bit more diversity like that, also maybe some quiet rhythm passages/breaks.

For me a nice listen on the sundaymorning.

Yeah, ‘soothing sound’. Right choice of words! :smiley:

I like it.
