Sound in Windows 10

Hello, anyone knows where is installed?. After running the HALion_Sonic_SE_3.5_Installer_win, Halion SE has no instruments.

I checked the Preferences and none of those default folders exist.

Windows 10.

Please help!

Have you already installed the package “Content Dorico Pro 4” via the Download Assistant? It should contain all the Halion instruments bundled with Dorico. As far as I can tell, the Halion Sonic SE installer only installs the Halion SE application without any content.

Martin90 is right with what he says. So please make sure that you have installed all the sound contents. If it still does not work with you, in Dorico please do ‘Help > Create Diagnostics Report’ and post the corresponding zip file here. From the log files I can then give further advice.

Hi Martin90 and Ulf,

Thank you for your help. I reinstalled and everything is perfect. I do not know what I did the first time.