I have a piece that covers two pages. I adjusted the spacing between systems on the first page using Layout Options. When the piece moved on to page two the same spacing changed only on page two. I have gone back into Layout Options but nothing changes on page 2. What am I missing?
Can you show a screenshot of both pages, in Engrave mode (showing the fullness %)…?
First of all, have you unchecked “Make space for lyrics” in Layout Options > Note Spacing? Turning that on would probably fix a lot of problems.
While you’re there, uncheck “Only justify final system in flow…”, so that your last system will fill the line.
On page 1, the music frame is much smaller than on page 2, so it’s unsurprising that a similar number of systems looks differently spaced.
What are the values for “Ideal Gaps”? (I’m assuming that there aren’t any hidden System Breaks…?)
The simplest thing would be to add a frame break – perhaps at the key change for “Lord Jesus Christ”, so that those bars go onto the next page.
While we’re at it, “high -est” needs a hyphen, in bar 4, and the reprise; and “Spi-rit” is the usual hyphenation.
The “make space for Lyrics” solved the spacing issues. Thanks. I would not have guessed that such an option would affect system spacing. Now there are a ton of word collisions. Is there a way to solve those globally?
Did you turn it on or off? If it’s on, there shouldn’t be any word collisions. I’d recommend leaving it on.
Any chance you could upload the file? Or PM me, and I’ll take a look at it.
Gloria.dorico (785 KB)
I don’t have your fonts, so can’t really check the lyric spacing . You had some weird barlines (showing up in Signposts, which were hidden).
I’ve made a few tweaks, and this may be better.
Inter-system gap up to 8. Frame Break added.
Gloria.dorico (743.7 KB)
Hi @moldenkg, beside the suggested tweaks by @benwiggy I noticed that you changed the default advanced option for Note Spacing to Use ideal widths only. In your case I find that the default Use actual widths works better:
I attach the file, and I made also a little video with some suggestions about the layout and general observations. (that you can of course ignore):
Dorico file:
Gloria-CORRECTED.dorico (735.2 KB)
Video with some explanations (and the proof that I can’t count to nine ) :
Thank you. I did not find a video attached.
I see that both pages are now spaced the same. However, I want to change that spacing. Where exactly do I do that? I am a very frustrated former Finale user who is finding Dorico unnecessarily complicated and confusing.
Try to reload the page, the video is at the end of my previous post. Here again a direct link to my video.
What you want as final result? How do you want the spacing to be? Could you explain more in detail?
Dorico spacing algorithms and layout capabilities are very powerful, but very different from the manual tweaking that you often needed in other software (and that said you can at the end also tweak all manually in Dorico too, if needed).
I suggest also this recent video:
If you want to adjust staves manually, you can do so with the Staff Spacing tool of Engrave mode. Just don’t expect it to function the same way as Finale.
“Unnecessarily complicated and confusing” can be said about any powerful computer program, also Finale, before you learn how to use it. You will get there.
I realize I can do each system individually.
Please DON’T! There are much quicker and better tools (as others have suggested).
Also note that Layout Options are specific to a layout. Are you trying to layout a full score here, or just a Soprano Part?
Lastly, I’m curious why you chose to change the size of the (blue) Music Frame on page 1. Do you really need that amount of space at the bottom for Copyright material? If you do, have you factored that into your expectations for spacing?
Hi @moldenkg, you are responding via email. Please consider that eventually the attachments are not as good visible as in the actual Forum itself. If you look at the actual thread that you opened, on the Forum, you will have a much better overview of the replies.
Did you read my second post? Here the link to it.
And were you able to see my video, and the official Dorico video?
And here the link to the whole thread: I suggest you follow the thread from your browser for a better overview (instead of visualising single email replies and answering with email).
Dorico’s layout controls are very powerful, and reasonably straightforward, but they do take a bit of understanding. Generally, for a simple part layout like this, it should be sufficient to set the Layout Options as you want them, and maybe make a few manual alterations, such as System/Frame Breaks.
(Indeed, Dorico’s whole method is one of making global settings, followed by local adjustments where needed.)
If you can tell us exactly what you’re trying to achieve, if not the results we’ve suggested, then that will help you better.