I can’t seem to get consistent spacing for the page on the left.
What am I missing?
Part 2
I have a clarinet part which should be a double of the tenor player. I looked at all the info I could find for creating doubles, but I can’t make the clarinet a double for the tenor player.
Again, any help?
Here’s the file: Five.dorico (3.7 MB)
It looks like the issue with the spacing is the 2-bar repeat in the drums in mm. 171-172. Dorico can’t move just m. 171 to the previous page; it would have to move both 171 and 172 in order to preserve that repeat – and if you move both bars, the previous system is slightly more than 100% full.
You’re correct: removing the 2-bar repeat (changed it to 2 single bar repeats) solved the spacing.
1,000,000 thanks.
Dorico is an ongoing, apparently never finished, learning curve; worth it though.
Thanks, Bill
Many thanks, I got it as a double!
I had already done the clnt part separately, so I just dragged it to the tenor player, not knowing if that would work, but as if by magic, it did!
There’s no indication in bar 1 that the starting instrument is the tenor, so I’ll add that as system text.
Again, thanks for all the valuable & speedily delivered information.
Thanks again & again & again Fred; that worked.
Now, is there a way to indicate in the score “to tenor” when (fegore) the player changes to tenor?
I’m getting informationally greedy, but I can’t say how many hours I’ve spent (well spent BTW) figuring out Dorico so I try to contain my forum questions to the details I can’t seem to find in the manual or mr. google.
As usual, I’m completely amazed at the speed with which my questions are answered in this forum.