Spacing problem in chart

Hi Forum;
Part 1
I’m working on a jazz chart to continue learning Dorico. I have a page which exhibits very wide spacing: here’s 2 pages of the score.

There’s no manual system breaks, and I’ve tightened the overall note spacing slightly:

I can’t seem to get consistent spacing for the page on the left.
What am I missing?
Part 2
I have a clarinet part which should be a double of the tenor player. I looked at all the info I could find for creating doubles, but I can’t make the clarinet a double for the tenor player.
Again, any help?
Here’s the file:
Five.dorico (3.7 MB)

Thanks, Bill

It looks like the issue with the spacing is the 2-bar repeat in the drums in mm. 171-172. Dorico can’t move just m. 171 to the previous page; it would have to move both 171 and 172 in order to preserve that repeat – and if you move both bars, the previous system is slightly more than 100% full.


For this you’ll want to add the clarinet as a second instrument to the player who’s holding the tenor sax.

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You’re correct: removing the 2-bar repeat (changed it to 2 single bar repeats) solved the spacing.
1,000,000 thanks.
Dorico is an ongoing, apparently never finished, learning curve; worth it though.
Thanks, Bill

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Many thanks, I got it as a double!
I had already done the clnt part separately, so I just dragged it to the tenor player, not knowing if that would work, but as if by magic, it did!

Now both parts are in the tenor player as they should be: the clnt appears at letter C, then the tenor returns as expected.

There’s no indication in bar 1 that the starting instrument is the tenor, so I’ll add that as system text.
Again, thanks for all the valuable & speedily delivered information.

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Use Layout Options / Players / Show instrument change label at start of flow.


Where, in this case, “magic” = great software conception/design. :smile: This is one of the many features of Dorico I really value.


Thanks again & again & again Fred; that worked.
Now, is there a way to indicate in the score “to tenor” when (fegore) the player changes to tenor?
I’m getting informationally greedy, but I can’t say how many hours I’ve spent (well spent BTW) figuring out Dorico so I try to contain my forum questions to the details I can’t seem to find in the manual or mr. google.
As usual, I’m completely amazed at the speed with which my questions are answered in this forum.


Library->Layout Options->Players->Instrument Changes->Show Instrument change warnings. I think that used to be on as default.



Thanks very much Jesele: that’s the thing I needed.
Again, this forum is extraordinarily useful!

