I do see in Layout Options where it mentions that “Fine” can be optionally put below the staff. I haven’t found that option yet… Being that I’m not finding it, I’m wondering if this automatic layout ability does actually exist and I’m just missing it. Apologies if that’s the case. Apologies anyway for bugging everyone haha.
Yes, but that’s for all repeat markers. I’m not seeing an option where I can specify “To Coda” and the actual sign and coda are above the staff, and “DS al Coda” or “DC al Coda” are below…
Oh wow. I had to think about that one. If you look out the window towards NYC, you might see the smoke.
The image you posted looks about like I’d want it. The “to coda” is a jump tho. And it should be above the staff, which I’m having a hard time making the logic described to me work in me head…
You’re using the coda marker for the “to coda” which makes sense All the other jumps would be below. I guess instead of talking about it I should just try it. Typical @blatboy haha.
As I said, I think it’s a little unclear. The help page describing these things is here.
I think a “repeat jump”, in Dorico terms, is an instruction that tells you to jump backwards (i.e., repeat). So “D.S.” and “D.C.” are repeat jumps, but “To Coda” is not, because you’re jumping forwards (not repeating). At least, that’s how I’ve rationalized it in my head. Edit: This isn’t quite correct, at least according to the way things are categorized under Engraving Options > Repeat Markers, where “To coda” is classified as a repeat jump.
In the explanatory text, instead of “Repeat sections are always shown above the staff, except for Fine, which can optionally be shown…” I would say “…which may optionally be shown”, since the text is really describing customs, not capabilities. I don’t understand the second sentence, “Repeat jumps are always shown above the staff”, since the whole point of this option is to allow them to be shown below the staff. And then the last sentence talks about “repeat markers and sections”, even though the option claims to be about repeat jumps.
Edit: The help page says that the term “repeat markers” encompasses both “jumps” and “sections”. So maybe the last sentence in the dialog should say “repeat jumps and sections” or just “repeat markers”, instead of “repeat markers and sections”. And maybe the option should actually be called something else, since it seems to affect more than just “repeat jumps and Fine”.
Well, moving one thing (“To Coda”) per layout is better than more than one thing… but not as good as moving none. Fortunately it’s only a 6 piece arrangement haha.
Would creating a symbol for it do the trick? Albeit a somewhat cutting off your nose approach haha.
Personally, I’m used to seeing the “to coda” jump as just the symbol (no text), which displays above the staff, as my screenshot shows. And that’s what Gould has as well, not sure about other sources.
Sorry, I thought you were just asking how to enter the markers. Yes, the setting is in Engraving Options > Repeat Markers > Repeat Jumps > Appearance of “To Coda” repeat jumps
For the record, changing the “to coda” style to a symbol only worked. Dorico repositioned it above the staff.
Admittedly the way it’s explained in the application is IMHO nutty. In THIS case, when “to coda” is just a symbol it’s treated as a “repeat jump.” When it utilizes text it is not. Spock would not be amused haha.
Again, thanks for all your time and help on this @asherber. Hopefully others will benefit from this thread.