Anyone else noticing this? When I send audio to RX it works perfectly, but with Spectralayers what I hear is always a little bit ahead of what the visuals show making it difficult to figure out exactly where the sound I want to fix actually is. It’s like there’s latency but changing my buffer size makes no difference. Is there a trick to this?
Seems fine in standalone mode so I’m wondering if this is an issue with ARA?
I can confirm that problem. Significant latency with Spectralayers One that came with Cubase11. I don’t have a problem in either IzotopeRX(standard) or Wavelab10Pro: no latency between visual and audio with either of those.
Seems my problem is the inverse of yours though: the Spectralayers visual is ahead of the audio. I’m getting this in standalone mode. However, when scrubbing it’s in sync.
I figured out a solution that works for me. If I click on the Constrain Delay Compensation button it shuts down the heaviest plugins and the timing got almost perfect. Then if I lower my buffer to 256 or less, it’s pretty much bang on. I went ahead and bought the Elements version because it seemed like a useful upgrade to be able to use the erasing tool and noise reduction functions.
do you see jerky movement of cursor or it is my system ? Tying to figure that out. Tried t use RX3 from within spectral layers, crashed nuendo.
Honestly, perhaps I still need to learn a lot about SL, but I cannot say anything good about spectral layers so far. To me even RX3 is much better.
What do you think?
macpro2009 24 gig Ram, 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, high sierra