Spectralayers non-responsive

Was going through the manual to learn about the program, while trying things on a project I started and separated. I think after a section, maybe frequency responsive, where I moved things around, I noted that it said it may take more computing power. I don’t know what it was set at originally and tried to undo, but not long after I noticed that I was getting long spin circles and everything was taking so long. I wasn’t sure when I last saved and didn’t want to lose some work, so I appended a d to the name and saved. Previous one had a ‘c’ as a variation. But closing and reopening either, still huge change in response.

So can I restore some defaults to whatever they were without losing my separations and movements between layers?

Practically unusable with d variation. 12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-12900 2.40 GHz with 32G ram seems like it shouldn’t be so strained. But typically initial separations take ~30 minutes.

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Definitely something in the display, as I went to the c version which was slow, as if I went to solo a different channel it wouldn’t happen immediately. The new one would show m as well as s, before the switch would take effect. I went to the display and started moving settings and the project became normal in responses again. I hadn’t tweaked as much as in the d version which gives spin circles and very long times to respond to anything.

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Patch 6 coming out next week will likely solve this issue.