SpectraLayersPro and DaVinci Resolve integration

Ah, ok!
Thank you!

@DanielAyo @Yoshiaki_Watanuki @henrique_staino So I finally found some time to look at that issue in detail, and as @Laturec said it’s quite clearly a Resolve issue.
Note that it properly work on macOS, only Resolve on Windows seems to have this issue.
The issue is that Resolve only look for changes in the Creation Time metadata of the file, instead of looking for the Modification Time.

Softwares like SpectraLayers, WaveLab, Acoustica properly update the Modification Time, but they all don’t work with Resolve Windows.
RX on the other hand also change Creation Time while updating the file, and it works with Resolve Windows, but this is clearly malpractice. And I must say I feel uncomfortable introducing malpractice as a workaround for an external software…

Meanwhile the workaround you can use is once you’re done with your edit, open PowerShell (its a Windows utility), and type:

(Get-Item "C:\path\to\the\edited\file\from\resolve.wav").CreationTime = Get-Date

This will force Creation Time update.

I sent an email about that issue to one of my contacts at Davinci, but I also strongly suggest you all report that issue to Davinci as well to make sure they fix it.


Thank you for tackling a difficult problem!
Your help is much appreciated!
I will also contact the DaVinci Resolve team!


Robin is my favorite developer!

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Hi all,
I have made a separate post regarding MAGIX VEGAS Pro 21 video editor. I have exactly the same issue where any changes made in Spectral Layers 11 are not updated in VEGAS. So this appears to be a wider issue.

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I cannot locate the file that was sent from Resolve to SpectraLayers. It shows with a different file name than the original one. It is not in the original folder, nor cannot be found using search option on the C: drive.

Even if the original file is updated by SpectraLayers, with audio edits included, it should also ensure that the timecode metadata is maintained.

Interestingly, the wav files shared from Resolve are remembered in the SpectraLayers application and listed at start up, so they must be stored somewhere. But where?

I found the wav files in the custom proxy media folder:
\Capture\Time Code Test with Effects\Timeline 1

It would be very nice if SpectraLayers could show the full path to the files being edited, in an obvious place in the UI.

@provanguard yes, that’s coming with patch 5 as well :slight_smile:
With patch 5 you can now right-click a project tab, then click Show in Finder (macOS) or Show in Explorer (Windows):


That is very nice, and so amazingly fast feature request delivery!

Could you also make the full path visible on that list?

Maybe with a tooltip, or a “…” button next to each of the links with “Open”, “Show in Folder”, “Remove from List”, etc options :slight_smile:

Too late for patch 5 unfortunately but I’m taking note of the request !

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I experienced the same issue with Resolve. Waiting for the fix, thank you @Robin_Lobel!

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@provanguard please give SL beta1 a try (macOS installer/Windows installer), it should now display the full path as a tooltip

@lordadb this build should also make the round-trip with Resolve work


Hi Robin!
You definitely nailed it!
Thanks for your hard work!
This update is super timesaver!

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