Spiral Groove Studio One Monitors... Nice

Yup… Death, taxes and NS-10s

Me neither… That’s what got me interested… No commercial profile at all except for a litany of stellar testimonials… Figured these things must be worth a listen.

Yeah, I think it’s fair to say that it’s considered simply one of the best power amps ever made. One of those Magic Boxes that come along every couple generations or so.

To Bryston!! (I’m having a little Glenlivet…)

To Bryston! (Vodka)

So we’re, like, the Canadian drunk Bryston users. (CDBU)

Ah Molson!

Can’t seem to find it here on Maui tho’.

Take off ya hoser Eh?

—bob and doug

Now THAT’S going to be the name of my next record!!

So We’re, Like, the Canadian Drunk Bryston Users

Maui… Its, like, above freezing there, eh? If so, weird :slight_smile:

I’m gonna hold you to that (and buy it)

Maui… Congratulations.

Winter’s just seeing in here curteye.

Great… I’ll finally sell a record